


In today’s airports, everything is highly automated, and baggage systems consist of a complex set of material handling components containing belts, pushers, sorters, and supervisory software. Every piece of baggage that enters a baggage handling system is important.

Equally important is quickly assessing the weight and dimensions of each single item. The typical steps at the start of an airport baggage handling system are to weigh the bag, measure its size, determine if it is too large, too light, too heavy or contains fragile dangerous items. Only when this is completed does the item get classified and labelled. Any items falling into the above-mentioned categories will be categorized as out of gauge and sent to a separate conveyor belt that is wider, runs at a slower speed and has a gentler slope into the main baggage sorting system.

This protects the rest of the baggage handling system and prevents any unforeseen errors due to large or heavy items creating bottlenecks. Datalogic provides a state-of-the-art overhead dimensioning system that dynamically detects any out of gauge items and send communicates directly with the supervisory system.

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