Electronic Tickets

Electronic Tickets

Electronic Tickets

Electronic tickets, often called e-tickets, are a digital ticket that is presented on an electronic device such as a phone, tablet, or kiosk rather than paper. These are used by airlines, rail transport and other public transportation, as well as by the entertainment and sports industry to gain entry for travel and events. E-tickets provide a more efficient method for entering, processing, marketing, and help fight against fraudulent or counterfeit tickets. To effectively process electronic tickets, devices must be able to read ticket barcodes either on printed media or electronic screens with accuracy and at high throughput. The data collected must be transmitted and processed quickly either locally or on a network to keep queue lines moving. Datalogic has devices that specifically support barcode reading on e-tickets, processing, and transmit data quickly and efficiently.



Ticket reading requires the ability to read both mobile e-tickets and paper tickets without any degradation in overall performance. Paper tickets often become damaged due to handling and difficult to read by scanners. Mobile ticketing can be challenging as the screen brightness may vary presenting lower contrast barcodes. Oils and protective films on the screen also present an issue and can cause increased reflection lowering reading performance.


With electronic ticketing becoming more important due to physical touch reduction need caused by the global pandemic, new emerging technologies are increasing. Mobile ticket readers for access control to board a flight or a venue are becoming increasingly popular. Self-service kiosks provide the user with an efficient means to enter a venue, pay for a ticket, or board mass transit. All these applications provide greater efficiencies and the utmost accuracy.


Datalogic has invested significant time and resources into increasing the reliability of our scanning hardware and software. With world class decoding algorithms to quickly read both paper and mobile tickets, your ticket reading solution will offer a positive user experience while increasing your throughput and creating boosting higher efficiency. Customers can choose among a wide variety of embedded barcode reading technologies to satisfy all applications and requirements within the electronic ticketing market. Additionally, they can leverage features like the “Green Spot” technology which will provide the user with visual indication of a successful reading. This is a benefit to users in both noisy or quiet environments where the audible tone is disabled or unrecognizable.



  • Improved throughput

  • Increased reading accuracy

  • Increased track and trace

  • Enhanced customer experience

  • Lower down time

  • Total cost decrease

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